When you arrive from pressing the Manage Location button of the Locations button from the ADMIN MENU, you will be presented with a list of locations already entered. If you need a new location, press the Add button.
Location Name
Sometimes additional text is necessary for places that have multiple locations.
Location Address
You need a complete address. Check the places website or do a Google Search.
City is not always what you think.
State code is TX
Zip Code is necessary
Country code is US
Click on the checkbox Show map link in event popup
Then click on the View Map button. This will tell you how good the address you entered is. Sometimes checking a second source is needed. This is a MapQuest map and not always the best.
Location Directions
If the map is not clear, adding Directions may help. Also adding a Google map can help. See Help Child Page below.
Location Contacts
These are contact from the location, usually found on the website.