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Located off of the room with the billiard table and art gallary.


  1. All Club rooms and amenities are available for use by Retama Village residents, guests, and renters.
  2. The Kitchen/Theater, Outdoor Kitchen, and Card Room areas may be reserved. Separate policies for each area are posted within that area.
  3. Community activities will be scheduled monthly, and times will be posted. During non-scheduled times, the club areas are available on a first come, first served basis.



The club will be unlocked during regular Sales hours. Access at all other times will be via the secured entry through the rear lounge door. If a person is in the Club after 5:00 p.m., they are responsible for locking all the doors and turning off the lights.


Everyone is responsible for knowing and abiding by the guidelines approved by the Retama Village HOA. Residents and renters will be held responsible for their own actions and those of their guests. All persons using these facilities do so at their own risk.


  1. Pets need to stay outside, except for handicap requirements.
  2. If you rearrange any furniture or equipment, please return them to their original location.
  3. Shirts and shoes are required inside the buildings. Pool attire is okay for the Outdoor Kitchen and Patio areas.
  4. Tables and chairs need to stay in the common areas surrounding the club.
  5. Smoking is not permitted inside the Club, on the Patio, or in the common areas surrounding the Club, including the parking lots.



  1. The Card Rooms may be reserved for meetings. They should not be used as "dining rooms."
  2. Each room is a separate area for reservation.  Contact the Calendar Administrator.